MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Why the particles become massless? or why Higgs field value becomes zero?

Date: Thu Dec 14 21:41:51 2017
Posted by Mike
Grade level: nonaligned School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: Japan
Area of science: Physics
ID: 1513312911.Ph

I read that:
If Higgs field has zero value, all the particles become massless except Higgs
particles themselves*.

1) also, at extremely high temperature/energy (and at/around the begging (big
bang or inflation period?) of the Universe), all the particles were massless
(except Higgs particles themselves?)? If so, why? because the Higgs field value
approaches zero as energy/temperature rises? But why Higgs field value becomes
zero at this condition? Because Higgs particles/field stop interacting with all
the particles (maybe except themselves)? If so, why Higgs cannot interact with
all the particles? because there is not enough time for interaction at such a
high speed etc.? or something else/another process&mechanism takes place?

2) why Higgs bosons can retain their mass under such high energy while others


Re: Why the particles become massless? or why Higgs field value becomes zero?

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