MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: What can continuous-spin particles explain? or higher spin can? motivation?

Date: Thu Jan 4 06:03:24 2018
Posted by Mike
Grade level: nonaligned School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: Japan
Area of science: Physics
ID: 1515071004.Ph

Q1) I have heard "continuous-spin particles (CSPs) theory." (also continuous
spin representation, continuous spin systems etc.). What can it explain (what
special properties it has while other theories cannot)? What can continuous spin
explain in physics while discrete spin cannot? Or vice versa? (=What can
discrete spin explain in physics while continuous spin cannot?) Why some are
motivated to investigate this? What are the unique properties or advantages of
CSPs theory/model? CSPs are required to explain which physical processes? Which
physical processes absolutely require CSPs to be fully explained?

Q2) Does Quantum Field Theory (QFT) only use "discrete spin" in its framework?
If so, why? Can CSPs explain processes/phenomena that QFT cannot? If so, what
and why?

Q3) Higher spin theory -> motivation for explaining what physical mechanism? for
what phenomenon/properties in physics? What can Higher spin theory explain (what
are the unique properties/points of this theory that other theories cannot
have)? or What are the investigators hoping to explain possibly by this theory?

Re: What can continuous-spin particles explain? or higher spin can? motivation?

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