MadSci Network: Botany

Subject: How are roots different when they are produced in water?

Date: Wed Jan 15 23:03:47 2003
Posted by Sydney Everhart
Grade level: undergrad School: Iowa State University
City: Ames State/Province: Iowa Country: USA
Area of science: Botany
ID: 1042689827.Bt

I want to know about rooting cuttings in water.  How do those roots differ from 
roots that are produced in soil?  How do they adapt to soil?  Do they decay and 
other roots are formed?  Where do the new roots come from?  Do they develop from 
places on the water roots?  How long can a cutting be grown in water?  The roots 
are white at first and then turn brown...if they are left in water will they 
just decay and the cutting will die? 

Re: How are roots different when they are produced in water?

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