MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Space matter, energy, anti-matter

Date: Wed Feb 19 07:39:50 2003
Posted by Mr Pejman Khojasteh
Grade level: undergrad School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 1045658390.As

I am aware that space is not a void, as it contains:
- Energy such waves (e.g. gamma, ultraviolet, infrared, photons) and 
- Matter such as isolated hydrogen atoms, space dust, stars, gas and/or liquid 
and/or solid planets.
- Anti-energy such positron.
- Anti-matter

I am also aware that it has been suggested that space contains:
- Black matter
- Black energy

Can you provide me with a full list of known contents of space, alternatively 
can you recommend one or more relevant web sites that entail the mentioned 

I am particularly interested in space dust, such as:
- What is the estimate for the total weight of space dust within a cubic 
kilometre of space time within our solar system? Obviously the total weight 
within the asteroid belt will be higher. 
- Does space dust follow the principle of general relativity, for example does 
space dust orbit the Sun and/or Earth?
- What chemical elements does space dust consist of, for example does space 
dust contain Iron the same as Earth?, and in what proportions does space dust 
contain these elements, for example 20% Iron? 

With regards
Mr Pejman Khojasteh

Re: Space matter, energy, anti-matter

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