MadSci Network: Evolution

Subject: How does life come from non-life?

Date: Sun Jul 29 02:12:22 2001
Posted by Andrew
Grade level: 10-12 School: No school entered.
City: No city entered. State/Province: No state entered. Country: No country entered.
Area of science: Evolution
ID: 996387142.Ev

One of the basic foundations of life is that it only comes from other life.

From what I have researched, I find the idea of "bio-cell genesis" according to 
evolution a bit laughable. How do you explain the first life form coming into 
existence? Lets say that all the chemicals needed for life just happened to come 
into existence at the same time and place. Also, I know that all acids and 
sugars come in 2 different orientations (like right and left-handed as a 
comparison), and all acids needed for life are left-handed, and all sugars are 
right-handed. So, lets now say that all the chemicals needed for life are there, 
and there in the right orientations and they are, well ready for life to form. 
How did that happen? I mean, I think if it were possible to make life from 
non-life, we could have done it by now. Why can't we bring a recently dead 
person back to life? Everything in the person's body is in the right order and 
it's set up, practically alive, but it isn't. So, if we can't make life from 
non-life in ideal conditions, how did it happen by chance?

Re: How does life come from non-life?

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