MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Why doesn't the Moon crash into the Earth?

Date: Tue Apr 8 17:45:18 1997
Posted by Allan Hong
Grade level: 10-12
School: Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep.
City: San Francisco State/Province: CA
Country: 94116
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 860539518.As

I know that it has something to do with the gravitational pull that the Earth has on the Moon to keep it in it's own orbit, but why doesn't it come in? In a case where the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned like this: Sun --> Moon <-- Earth, I understand that the sun would be pulling on the Moon while the Earth is. But why does it just stay in it's orbit? Especially in the case of when it is like this: Sun --> Earth --> Moon. Wouldn't this have a greater pull on the Moon causing it to crash into the Earth?

Re: Why doesn't the Moon crash into the Earth?

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