MadSci Network: Zoology

Subject: Why do some dogs sometimes shake their heads vigorously after waking up?

Date: Fri Jul 4 14:00:33 1997
Posted by John Wilke
Grade level: nonaligned
School: n/a
City: Greeley State/Province: CO
Country: USA
Area of science: Zoology
ID: 868042833.Zo
We have two dogs.  Both of them exhibit a similar behavior just after they wake 
up- -  they shake their heads (and bodies) vigorously after waking up...  The 
move is basically identical to the move that dogs make when they try and dry off 
after getting wet.

I have also seen grizzly bears do this in Alaska...  Do other mammals do this?  
Why do any mammals do this?  Why don't humans do this?


John Wilke, Greeley, Colorado.

Re: Why do some dogs sometimes shake their heads vigorously after waking up?

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