MadSci Network: Anatomy

Re: How many muscles are used in bowling?

Date: Mon Jun 22 12:08:28 1998
Posted By: Andrea Zardetto-Smith, Asst Prof -faculty, Physical Therapy and Biomedical Sciences, Creighton University
Area of science: Anatomy
ID: 894159078.An

Sorry for the long delay in answering this question but I have asked many 
other anatomists for their opinion.

It's our collective opinion that virtually all major muscle groups of the 
appendicular and axial skeleton would be used in this activity.  That is, 
muscles in your limbs and your trunk (the thorax, abdomen and back) would 
all be active in the movement, from the initial movement of holding up the 
ball and aiming it, to the movement of reaching down to throw the ball, and 
then the follow-through.  You could even include the muscles of the neck 
and muscles of facial expression, and even muscles that control speaking 
(think of when you yell "It's a strike!").  There are hundreds of muscles 
that would be used and it would take a while to list them all-

Hope this answers your question - if you're looking for a given number- 
that would take a graduate student doing a research project to come up 
with that!

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