MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Somebody Help Me, I can't Hypothesize

Date: Tue Apr 23 18:54:32 1996
Posted by: Ivy Orr
Grade level: 10-12
School/Organization: Medway High School
City: Medway State/Province: MA
Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
I am a senior in high school doing my final physics project.

My topic is seismic waves.  I've done all kinds of research,

but had lots of trouble choosing experiments...building a 

seismometor is no small task...not to mention expensive.  So

I decided to try to create a listening device using 3 carbon

cores from batteries and then passing current through them

with a battery to change the vibrations it would pick up into 

sound waves--I guess that is changing mechanical vibrations to 

analog sound waves, right?

I attached headphones and voila I can hear the 

sounds.  It is cool.  In my experiments I have been testing 

to see if different materials affect the way that the

vibrations pass through.  I chose to use jello, plaster of

paris, wet sand, dry sand, and water.  I am using a digital

oscilloscope to measure the frequency and to draw graphs of the

waves.  It is working pretty well and I'll compare it to how 

that the various geological materials in the earth affect 

the travel of seismic waves.  But I am just no good at forming

a hypothesis.  How would I state the hypotheses for the above 

scenario?  I can explain it to you, but I can't put it in 

the form my teacher is asking for.  I have looked at examples

but I just don't get it.


Re: Somebody Help Me, I can't Hypothesize

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