MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Leagnth of day

Date: Sun Jun 9 22:12:29 1996
Posted by: Michael Stein
Grade level: 10-12
School/Organization: Maimonides School
City: Brookline State/Province: MA
Country: USA
Area of science: Astronomy
I recently was looking at a calander that had various time
charts associated with each day. I noticed that the longest 
day of the year does not occur when sunrise is at the earlist
and sunset is at the latest, which would make the most sense
to me. In fact, the earlist sunrise and sunset don't occur
on the same dat, but weeks apart. Why is this? Is this always
true no matter where in the world one lives, or by the equoter
the longest day is when sunrise and sunset are at their 
earlist and latest times, and as you move north or south,
this changes?

Re: Leagnth of day

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