MadSci Network: Medicine

Subject: How do they measure blood with light?

Date: Sat Jan 10 15:51:03 1998
Posted by Mike Schultz
Grade level: nonaligned
School: Hard Knocks
City: Madison State/Province: WI
Country: USA
Area of science: Medicine
ID: 884469063.Me

Hi - I unfortunately was recently in the hospital with a bout of
pneumonia. I had a small clip put on my finger that had a red light
in it. The doctors said it was to measure the oxygen in my blood.
They also did this occasionally by drawing blood (which really hurt!)
but as I got better they just used the gadget with the light. 
What is this thing and how does it measure my blood? If it measures
my blood why did I still have to get stuck?

Thanks, you guys offer a great service!


Re: How do they measure blood with light?

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