MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: Why does water in a water bottle taste salty when frozen?

Date: Tue Feb 3 08:59:14 1998
Posted by Tommy Auchtung
Grade level: undergrad
School: Michigan State University
City: East Lansing State/Province: MI
Country: U.S.A.
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 886517954.Ch

I usually keep a bottle of water in my car, but the more it freezes, 
the worse it tastes.  I've tried different water bottles(like the kind 
found in a grocery store) and they all do the same thing, so I don't 
think it's the bottle.
If I leave the water bottle overnight in my car it won't taste too bad 
the next day, but if its frozen for a week or so, it tastes horrible- 
similar to bad salt water.


Re: Why does water in a water bottle taste salty when frozen?

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