MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: Please explain Rate Law and how to determine the order of achemical reactio

Date: Sun Feb 7 01:14:50 1999
Posted by Bill Benson
Grade level: undergrad
School: University of Missouri Kansas City
City: Kansas City State/Province: MO
Country: USA
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 918371690.Ch

     In my Chem 2 class we are studying chemical kinetics and 
Rate Laws and the order of chemical reactions confuse me.  What 
exactly is an "order", does it have an actual value? And by 
looking at a series of data ( concentration vs. time) is there 
and easy way to determine if the rate of the reaction is zero, 
first, second or other?  Whithout actually plotting the figures, 
that is.  Thank you in advance for your time and thorough 

Re: Please explain Rate Law and how to determine the order of achemical reactio

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