MadSci Network: Evolution

Subject: Why do all fish, mammals, reptiles and birds have exactly two eyes?

Date: Sun Feb 7 01:17:06 1999
Posted by Rachel YorkWilliams
Grade level: nonaligned
School: none
City: Discovery Bay State/Province: Lantau Island
Country: Hong Kong
Area of science: Evolution
ID: 918371826.Ev

Why do flat fish, who appear to be pretty two-dimensional, have 
need for more than one eye?  Why is there no creature which has 
developed the need for 3 or more eyes?  It is the absoluteness 
of two-eyed-ness across the whole spectrum that intrigues me.  
Even insects, although I realize they have multi-faceted eyes, 
all (mostly?) come with two distinct "eyes".  Thanks

Re: Why do all fish, mammals, reptiles and birds have exactly two eyes?

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