MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Why doesn't the suns gravity pull earth in.

Date: Fri Dec 29 03:27:00 2000
Posted by GILBERT
Grade level: No grade entered. School: NONE
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 978078420.As

Why doesn't the suns gravity pull all surrounding objects inward towards it. Wouldn't the suns gravity eventually absord the kinetic energy that is said to be just enough to hold planets in orbit, like a ball on earth thrown up but comes down. Even if earths atmosphere was a VACUUM I still don't see a ball ever floating around earth indefinatly if thrown up at the right speed. Isn't it so that kinetic energy is lost or weakened when resistance is applied like say from gravitational resistance. If i'm trying to escape the suns gravity do I only need to propell myself to just the right speed to hold an orbit. Would it then be safe to shut off my propulltion source (thrusters) and not fear being draged in. 

Re: Why doesn't the suns gravity pull earth in.

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