MadSci Network: Evolution

Subject: Our hair grows continuosly

Date: Fri Jul 6 14:15:46 2001
Posted by Oswaldo
Grade level: undergrad School: No school entered.
City: Americana State/Province: SP Country: Brazil
Area of science: Evolution
ID: 994443346.Ev

Our hair grows continuosly. So, if we let it to grow freely after a few years 
it´s lenght will reach our feet. Now, imagine our ancestors, who d'ont have 
developed any kind of sharp tool, maybe 10000 years ago. His hair maybe was at 
their feet. So, it casue a lot of dificult to fight against other predators. 
Since we survive until now, it mean that our inteligence increase at the same 
time our hair was growing up too. Otherwise we d'ont exist actually anymore.
Then I´d presume our ancestors was part of some genetic experiments where some 
gens from another unknowed beam crossed with our own and because this our hair 
passed to grow out of control and our brain got enough inteligence to create 
sharp tools to cut it facilitating the act of survive.
If not, imagine a humam beam with a very long hair, until the ground,fighting 
against some gorilla. Certainly he lost the fight, because the gorilla hair has 
a defined lenght. It does'nt grows out of control like ours. I don't know any 
other animal with this characteristics.
From the evolution view point it is a very bad to survive.

My doubt! Make realy sense to think we are product of any kind of genectics 
experiment in the past?  

Re: Our hair grows continuosly

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