MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Is there a definite amount of moving mass for photons?

Date: Sat Jul 10 18:12:31 1999
Posted by Paul Andrews
Grade level: 10-12 School: American School
City: Seattle State/Province: WA Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 931648351.Ph

I posted a question earlier asking why photons are affected by 
gravity.  The answer I recieved was that photons do in fact have 
mass but only when moving.  That answer in turn has sparked a 
slew of questions.  But most importantly what are the properties 
of moving mass?  Does it have kinetic energy?  How are photons 
created?  Those are the main questions I have. But if elaborate 
more on any other "interesting" facts about particles without 
mass.  I would be more than happy to recieve them.

Re: Is there a definite amount of moving mass for photons?

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