MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: How do the laws of pysics apply to trampolines and gymnastics?

Date: Fri May 26 22:49:35 2000
Posted by Jacky
Grade level: 7-9 School: Trumbull High
City: Trumbull State/Province: CT Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 959395775.Ph

  I am doing a project in science and we just started a unit on physics 
and I am doing my project on how physics applies to the sport of 
gymnastics, so I was planning to make a video of me doing gymnastics to 
show the class and illustrate how the laws of physics apply to the sport 
and I was going to use some of the events in the sport to explain the 
physics such as the trampoline, balance beam, vault, uneven bars, and the 
floor exercise.  Can you please help me because I can not find any other 
information anywhere else?  I would really appreciate it if you could send 
me information with my project.  Thank you!!!!

Re: How do the laws of pysics apply to trampolines and gymnastics?

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