MadSci Network: Zoology

Re: What is the frequency range that dogs hate?

Date: Tue Jun 13 10:25:36 2000
Posted By: Bruno Putzeys, Staff, Electrpacoustics and Analog Electronics, Philips ITCL
Area of science: Zoology
ID: 959659864.Zo

Dogs' range of hearing is approximately between 50Hz and 45kHz. Like with 
humans, no particular frequencies among those are more objectionable than 
others, but it's reasonable to assume that sensitivity follows a pattern 
comparable to that of humans, at least in that sensitivity is lowest at the 
extremes and has a peak somewhere in-between. I am unaware of more detailed 
studies on canine hearing acquity.
So it isn't the pitch that matters, it's how loud the sound is to 
the animal.
You're unfortunate to have chosen dogs as your "pet hate". Given the fact 
that their range of hearing differs only by just over an octave from 
humans' it means that their maximum sensitivity will be well withing the 
human range of hearing and that only the area between 20kHz and 40kHz is 
eligible for use in this particular application. There too, some care must 
be exercised. Even though tones beyond 20kHz are inaudible by themselves, 
people who are continuously subjected to an ultrasonic sound field (as in 
the area of ultrasonic cleaners) regularly suffer from headaches or nausea. 
Also, young children often have a range of hearing extending up to 30kHz 
and even higher for asthmatic kids.
So, apart from dogs you may well find yourself scaring off about any 
hearing form of life, including your kids.
As for how to constrain dogs to {world\your house} without having to lock 
yourself up you could consider "half doors" as they used to be common here 
in Europe. The door would be split into two halves with the top half 
usually open and the bottom half closed.



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