MadSci Network: Anatomy

Re: how to make a heart model or some thing that works like a heart

Date: Mon Mar 1 10:44:33 1999
Posted By: Robert Houska, Faculty, Natural Sciences, Fullerton College
Area of science: Anatomy
ID: 919645101.An


You can show your classmates how the heart works by using a living organism 
or by building a mechanical model. 

If you want to demonstrate how the heart works by using a living organism 
you can use Daphnia, the water flea.  Your teacher may know where to obtain 
some or you may be able to obtain some live ones at a pet or aquarium 
store.  They use them as fish food.

Water fleas are semitransparent so their beating heart is easily observed 
with a stereoscopic (dissecting microscope).  You can also observe them 
with a compound microscope under low power.  It will help if you add 
protoslo to the water when you are observing them.  This will cause them to 
move slower so you can see them better.  

There are some experiments you can do on the heart rate of Daphnia. First, 
observe their heart rate in water that is at room temperature.  Then place 
some of them in cool water and some in warm water and compare their heart 
rates to the ones in the water at room temperature.  Remember, they are 
ectotherms (cold blooded).

You can also place some in water that contains ethyl alcohol and some in 
water that contains nicotine to alter their heart rate.  To see other 
student's results of these experiments go to:

To do a mechanical demonstration of how the heart works you will need a 
syringe with a one-way valve to represent the heart, some clear plastic 
tubing to represent blood vessels, some colored water to represent blood 
and a t-tube connector.  Connect the plastic tubing to two ends of the 
t-tube, make sure the tubing is filled with colored water then connect the 
syringe to the other end of the t-tube.  When you squeeze the syringe 
(heart) you will be able to observe the colored water (blood) circulating 
through the plastic tubing (blood vessels).

I hope these ideas help you with your project.  Good luck with your 

Robert Houska
Mad Scientist

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