MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: What would happen if you could drill a hole through the Earth?

Date: Sun Apr 6 08:43:08 1997
Posted by Rich Lemmings Jr
Grade level: 10-12
School: Southeastern
City: Springfield State/Province: Ohio
Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 860334188.Ph

I know it is not possible. But if you could dig a hole through the earth from one side all the way to the center of the earths core and out the other side what would happen if you jumped inside? Lets say you used some kind of pipe that would not melt when it contacts the magma inside the earth. Also lets say you did not have to think about oxygen because you have a supply with you in a preasurized suit. What would happen if you jumped inside the hole? Would you eventually stop in the center and just float there? I need to know!!

Re: What would happen if you could drill a hole through the Earth?

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