MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Acceleration up to speed of light...

Date: Sat Mar 8 21:34:46 1997
Posted by: David Nebe
Grade level: undergrad
School/Organization: Brisbane TAFE
City: Brisbane State/Province: QLD
Country: Australia
Area of science: Astronomy
Message ID: 857878486.As
Acceleration up to speed of light...
Hi... Once I worked out that if a spacecraft were able to accelerate 
Constantly, at ONE G-FORCE..
ie: 32ft/sec/sec it would take approximately 2.5 years to reach 
the actual speed of light (relative to Earth) point of departure..
Which would also be practical as it would mean the astronauts would 
be able to live comfortably as they would experience the same gravity
as if on Earth... Anyway, as with the doppler effect, at that speed,
would they not notice different constallations in different colours?
But, as nothing stops them reaching faster and faster speeds, could 
the spacecraft break the "light barrier"??

Re:Acceleration up to speed of light...

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