Visible Human Transverse Section Through the Head

You selected: sphenoid bone

The spenoid bone forms much of the interior structure of the cranium. It houses the sphenoid air sinuses, as well as the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. These important endocrine organs reside in a bony encasement called the sella tursica or turkish saddle, so named for its 3D resemblance to a saddle. Both secrete factors that regulate endocrine organs such as the thyroid and adrenal glands.

Key points in this image
eye | lens | medial rectus | lateral rectus | ethmoid sinus | sphenoid sinus | nasal septum | temporalis muscle | brain |
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Module Name: a_vm1110
Module Title: Visible Human Transverse Section Through the Head
Image Info: Gross specimen, transverse section
Created by: Lynn Bry
Last modified: Feb 4th, 1997

Created with Annotation 1.0