MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Why am I able to make a needle move by concentration on it?

Date: Sun Mar 2 14:39:35 1997
Grade level: 4-6
School/Organization: Eastview Elementary
City: Algonquin State/Province: IL.
Country: U.S.
Area of science: Physics
Message ID: 857335175.Ph
Why am I able to make a needle move by concentration on it?
My experiment involves holding a needle hanging by a thread in my 
fingertips.( the thread is in my fingertips)
 If I concentrate that the needle should move in cirles it will.
If I concentrate that the needle should move in a north/south direction
it will.  What I want to know is why this happens. I think it has to do
with particles and wave energy.  Also I have hung the thread from a 
banana hook and the needle will move if my finger is on the top of the 

Re:Why am I able to make a needle move by concentration on it?

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