MadSci Network: Biochemistry

Subject: How long does it take for the light reaction of photosynthesis to occur

Date: Thu Jan 28 13:59:32 1999
Posted by Trina Thongsinthusak & Michael Morita
Grade level: 10-12
School: John F. Kennedy High School
City: Sacramento State/Province: California
Country: U.S.A.
Area of science: Biochemistry
ID: 917553572.Bc

How long does it take for the light reaction of photosynthesis to occur once the light energy 
has energized the chlorophyll in the plant?

Dear Sir/Madam:
Hello!  Our names are Trina Thongsinthusak and Michael Morita.  We are both ninth graders 
at John F. Kennedy High School.  This letter is a project for our molecular biology class, where 
we have just concluded a chapter in our textbooks regarding the light and dark reactions of 
photosynthesis.  The questions we are asking you are related to the light reactions, and hopefully, 
your responses will enable us to better understand this process.  Our first question is: How long 
does it take for the light reaction of photosynthesis to occur once the light energy has energized 
the chlorophyll in the plant?  Second: What factors, if any, in the outside environment, can affect 
the rate of photosynthesis?  Third: Once the process of photosynthesis has started, is their any factor 
that can stop this process from continuing?
In answering these questions, we hope our knowledge of photosynthesis will be enhanced beyond by 
what is taught in the classroom.  Thank you for your time and consideration, and any responses to 
our questions from you will be very helpful and appreciated.

Trina Thongsinthusak & Michael Morita

c/o Ms. St. John

Re: How long does it take for the light reaction of photosynthesis to occur

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