MadSci Network: Molecular Biology

Subject: After transcription takes place, what happens to the introns that were

Date: Tue Apr 6 10:23:15 1999
Posted by allen chang
Grade level: 10-12 School: john f. kennedy high school
City: sacramento State/Province: CA Country: USA
Area of science: Molecular Biology
ID: 923412195.Mb

After transcription takes place, what happens to the introns that were taken out?

In school we learneed about DNA and how it contains some extra nucleotides called introns.  
To replicate and produce amino acids these introns have to be taken out.  My fellow classmates 
and I have always wondered what happens to those nucleotides that are taken out.  We all had 
our own theories but we dismissed them.  Can you tell us where they go and of what use they 
to the cell.

allen chang
tami lieuw
scott sugioka
noah davidson

c/o Ms. St john 

Re: After transcription takes place, what happens to the introns that were

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