MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: jet belt design, would it require some form of stabilisation or gyros?

Date: Thu Jul 20 08:29:23 2000
Posted by Eddie Edwards
Grade level: undergrad School: South Bank University
City: London State/Province: No state entered. Country: England
Area of science: Physics
ID: 964096163.Ph

First question
In a site about flying contraptions there's a page showing a drawing of a 
thing that they call "jet belt" 
( My question is: would 
a "jet belt" built like that really be able to take off? I'm asking this 
because, as you can see, the air enters the turbine from down and the 
gases are ejected towards down too. Shouldn't the resulting forces be 
opposite and therefore cancel each other? 
Your reply
Dear Simone Yes, a 'Jet Belt' is possible and does work. The point is that 
the incoming air is accelerated in the jet engine. The relevant physical 
property is the "momentum" i.e. velocity times mass. A mass m of air 
enters the engine with a velocity v, say every second. This mass is 
ejected with a velocity much higher than v and this results in an upwards 
force. All in all, it works just like a normal jet engine (the mass of the 
fuel plays an additional role). 
My Question
Looking at the jet belt design, would it require some form of 
stabilisation or gyros?  If so how does a gyro keep it stable? How would 
you steer a jet belt?  Or is it just a matter of getting the centre of 
gravity in the correct place, thanks!

Re: jet belt design, would it require some form of stabilisation or gyros?

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