MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Shouldnt energy have component which makes it propotional to time involved?

Date: Wed Mar 7 03:11:03 2001
Posted by Rajmohan
Grade level: grad (science) School: Infosys
City: Banglore State/Province: Karnataka Country: India
Area of science: Physics
ID: 983952663.Ph

Suppose a body of mass M = (say)2 Kg is staying at a distance h= (say)5 mts 
above earth. Now the potential energy of that body is mgh = 2*10*5 = 100 J 
(approx). Suppose rocket like thrust is  causing that body to stay in the air. 
Now the amount of rocket fuel it has to burn should be equal to what it should 
to produce this enery , isnt it ?
       But to stay in that position for different times different amount of 
energies has to be burned up (i.e. to stay for 10 hours we have to burn 10 
times the energy needed for staying 1 hour). How is this possible ? If someone 
can explain to me why this happens I would be much obliged.

Re: Shouldnt energy have component which makes it propotional to time involved?

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