MadSci Network: Physics

Subject: Do gravitons carry gravitational force or cause it?

Date: Wed Nov 10 08:23:51 1999
Posted by Kirk Miller
Grade level: undergrad School: CVCC
City: Lynchburg State/Province: VA Country: USA
Area of science: Physics
ID: 942240231.Ph

If the graviton carries the gravitational force, then it must originate 
from the source of said gravity.  Having been emmitted by the source, it 
travels outward until it comes into contact with a particle of matter.

If the graviton interacts with a body of mass, how does the outward rush 
of the graviton cause the body to be drawn toward the emitting source?    
Unless the graviton does have some tiny amount of mass in which case, the 
object would become marginally heavier and have a pre-determined tendancy 
to travel toward the source.  

If, however, the graviton is not emitted by the gravitational source, it 
must then travel toward the source.  It is absorbed by a particle and the 
particle is pushed toward the gravitational source.  This model seems to 
make alot more sense, but it begs the questions (1) where did the graviton 
originate and (2) why is it attracted to the source.  

Re: Do gravitons carry gravitational force or cause it?

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