Re: Can the Ozone layer be replaced with an artificial layer
Date: Mon Nov 16 13:57:07 1998
Posted By: Jason Goodman, Graduate Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Area of science: Environment & Ecology
ID: 909598988.En
Ozone (O3) protects the earth's surface from dangerous
ultraviolet radiation. When ultraviolet light strikes ozone, it breaks up
into two pieces and absorbs the light. These pieces eventually reconnect.
However, some chemicals, especially chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) can break
down ozone, destroying it.
I don't know of anything but ozone which could do what ozone does. If we
want to make an artifical ozone layer, we'll have to use real ozone, no
substitutes. Ozone is a very hazardous material in bulk: it is poisonous,
and in liquid form will explode if you bump its container.
There are very roughly 2 billion tons of ozone in the atmosphere. This is
a huge amount: you'd need 20 million 747 jet airplanes to carry this much
ozone up to the stratosphere -- this is impossible, even ignoring the
serious problems with producing, storing, and delivering this much ozone.
It is probably impossible for humans to create an artifical ozone layer:
the best we can do is try to stop the CFCs which destroy ozone from
reaching the ozone layer. The simplest way to do this is to stop using
CFCs. However, many CFCs will stay in the atmosphere for a century after
we stop producing them. Various methods have been proposed to "clean" the
atmosphere of CFCs. These include:
- Laser beams: A process called "infrared multiphoton dissociation" can
break apart CFCs when they pass through a laser beam with a very specific
"color". By setting up a system of lasers and mirrors on two mountainsides
separated by a valley, one could break up CFCs in the air passing through
the valley. Unfortunately, this technique would be incredibly expensive,
and would probably cause environmental problems.
- Alkane reactions: Active chlorine (which is made when CFCs break apart,
and is the molecule which actually destroys ozone) will react with other
things besides ozone. By dumping large amounts of ethane or propane
(popular cooking and heating fuels) into the stratosphere, one can remove
active chlorine fairly rapidly. My sources suggest that 50,000 tons of
propane, if dumped into the stratosphere, would repair the ozone hole for a
season. This is much easier to do than repairing the hole by replacing the
ozone: 500 plane flights might be enough. Also, hydrocarbons are much easier to
work with than liquid ozone. It's still a huge project, and there are
many uncertainties involved.
I got the information on CFC mitigation strategies from one of my favorite
books: Terraforming,
by Martyn Fogg.
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