MadSci Network: Astronomy

Subject: Do all places on earth get the same amount of daylight in a year?

Date: Tue May 9 19:12:31 2000
Posted by Dermot Cole
Grade level: nonaligned School: Fairbanks News-Miner
City: Fairbanks State/Province: AK Country: USA
Area of science: Astronomy
ID: 957913951.As

 I looked up the astronomy section and the two
specifics you listed as results from  your search engine.
It is not true that a question similar to this has been answered on your site.

I still think this is a good question. It is relevant to people who live in
the extreme northern and southern latitudes.
Are you sure you can't help me?
Dermot Cole


Re: Do all places on earth get the same amount of daylight in a year?
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Re: Do all places on earth get the same amount of daylight in a year?

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