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I take it from Edwin F. Taylor's Spacetime Physics, P.185, problem 6-5. A U-shaped structure contains a detonator switch connected by wire to one ton of the TNT. A T-shaped structure fits inside the U, with the arm of the T not quite long enough to reach the detonator switch when both structures are at rest. Now the T is removed to the left and accelerated to high speed. It is Lorentz- contracted along its direction of motion. As a result, its long arm is not long enough to reach the detonator switch when the two collide. However, look at the same situation in the rest frame of the T structure. In this frame the arm of T has its rest length, while the two arms of the U structure are Lorentz-contracted. Therefore the arm of the T will certainly strike the detonator switch. The question is whether there will be an explosion. Figure: | =======+ |====== S|~~~~TNT (S denotes the switch) | =======+ <--x-> <--y--> The answer is there will be an explosion. Someone said that due to there is no absolutely rigid body so the arm of T will continue its motion for some time even the cap of T strike the arms of U. But can we prove the two frames agree quantitatively? In the rest frame of T, the sufficient condition for the explosion is x>=y*Sqrt [1-v^2], but in the rest frame of U, the condition depends on when the arm stop and I can't make it agree with the condition in the rest frame of T exactly. How do you resolve it?
Re: Relativity Paradox - Detonator Paradox
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