MadSci Network: Biochemistry |
Hello, Tyler. Although your question is rather "curious", the short and simple answer to your question is that, yes, semen can ferment. Indeed, there have been a few experiments done on this in order to find out what type os sugar was naturally occurring in semen, and also in applications for animal husbandry. It is established that sperm contains fructose as its main sugar. This is needed to give sperm their energy, much like we humans utilize glucose for our source of energy. Any liquid can be made to ferment, provided it has two sources. The first being a sugar, and the second being yeast. Sperm contains the sugar fructose, therefore, adding a yeast culture to it would allow it to ferment. A perhaps interesting experiment. One never knows where the curious minds of science enthusiasts takes us? Hope that helps, Peter Bosani. Source:
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