MadSci Network: Anatomy |
Shivering is a result of activation of the erector pili muscles. These muscles are not found in the face, consequently, you do not see "goosebumps" Please visit this site for further explanation. A quote from the kids health site: And what about when you're ice skating or sledding and suddenly saying "brrrr!!" When you are cold, your blood vessels keep you warm by narrowing as much as possible, and keeping the warm blood away from the skin's surface. You won't sweat at all, but you might notice tiny bumps on your skin. Most kids call these "goosebumps," but the fancy name for it is the pilomotor (say: pie-low-mo-ter) reflex. This is when special tiny muscles called the erector pili (say: ee-reck-tur pie-lee ) muscles pull on your hairs and make them stand up very straight. This traps warm air between the hairs and keeps you warmer. Thank you for your question. Linda Dr. Linda J. Weyandt MD/ CRNA
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