MadSci Network: Chemistry |
You are right that hydrogen bonding is an important part of the properties of water, though I would not say it is *as* important (at least not directly) for the heat capacity as it is for many other properties. For example, the heat of vaporization of water is quite high because you have to break the hydrogen bonds to get water from the liquid to the vapor phase, and that is a pretty big effect. The heat capacity measures how much heat you have to put into a substance to get a unit rise in temperature. For water, the hydrogen bonding weakens as the temperature goes up, so that some of the energy you are putting in is going into breaking hydrogen bonds instead of into raising the temperature. This makes the heat capacity higher than it otherwise would be, but it isn't a huge effect. The fact that you said "specific heat capacity" makes me think that I should explain one more thing. Specific heat capacity is the amount of heat to raise a unit *mass* one temperature unit. But what really matters at the molecular level is the *molar* heat capacity. So water may look like it has a high *specific* heat capacity, but that is partly an artifact of its relatively low molecular weight compared to other things that are liquid at similar conditions. If you were looking at molar heat capacities, there would not be as much difference. An illustration of this would be D2O (heavy water, with the mass-2 deuterium isotope of hydrogen), which has about the same amount of hydrogen bonding as H2O (actually slightly more) and about the same molar heat capacity, but because of the higher molecular weight D2O would have a lower specific heat capacity by a ratio of 18:20. Finally, if you are interested in the role of water in life, I will mention a new book by Philip Ball called "Life's Matrix: A Biography of Water" which I've just started reading and which looks like a nice source of information at a level that would be good for a secondary school teacher. You can also find some scientific information about water under the "FAQs about Water and Steam" section of the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam (IAPWS) at Allan Harvey, "Don't blame the government for what I say, or vice-versa."
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