MadSci Network: Zoology

Subject: Do snakes eat their own eggs?

Date: Mon Jan 13 10:17:19 1997
Posted by: Mr. Klinkert's Class
Grade level: 4-6
School/Organization: Huntley Elementary
City: Appleton State/Province: Wisconsin
Country: USA
Area of science: Zoology
Message ID: 853172239.Zo
Do snakes eat their own eggs?
We have many questions about snakes that we could not find the answers
to in our references here at Huntley. I'll list some of them here. If you can
answer these, we would very much appreciate it. Tell me if I need to write
these questions one at a time in the above question box.

1. Do toads sleep with their eyes open?
2. Do snakes sleep?
3. Why can snakes only see moving prey?
4. How deep do snakes go underground when they hibernate?
5. How long are snakes' fangs?

Thank you very much.

Mr. Klinert's Fourth Grade Class 

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