MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: What makes glue sticky

Date: Thu Apr 9 06:46:30 1998
Posted by susan Herzog
Grade level: 7-9
School: The Mott Hall School - IS 223
City: New York State/Province: NY
Country: us
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 892122390.Ch

Several of my students have been investigating whether they can find a 
common chemical characteristic that all glues have.  They have made a 
glue from a yuca plant and have looked in many sources to find out 
about what in this plant might be the glue material.  They did read a 
previous posting on your site that described several different 
physical chemistry characteristics of what made different types of 
glue adhesive, but they were not able to understand it at their level. 
Could you clarify the issue for them?

Re: What makes glue sticky

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