Subject: Why my hair rises on one side of my body when I get a kiss in the ear?
Date: Thu Oct 21 07:54:26 1999
Posted by Jostein Magnussen
Grade level: grad (science)
School: UNiversity of Trondheim
City: Trondheim State/Province: No state entered.
Country: Norway
Area of science: Neuroscience
ID: 940506866.Ns
The hair on my skin rises only on the right side of the body when I'm kissed
on/in the right ear and vice/versa. Why is this? What are the
neural pathways involved and what is the function of this phenomena? I
understand that the sense organs like the ears are extra sensitive for
protective reasons (i.e. insects can crawl into the ear), but I think this is a
strange reaction, this asymmetrical hair rising.
Re: Why my hair rises on one side of my body when I get a kiss in the ear?
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