MadSci Network: Zoology |
Hi Gayle, I think everyone at one time or another has been plagued by the reason a dog howls. Many people believe that dogs howl in response to fire-truck and police sirens because it hurts their ears. This is not so, the response is a throw-back to the wild instinctual behavior of howling in response to another dog's howl. Pack animals like wolves and dogs will howl in harmony as a form of staying in touch over distances and communicating between packs. You begin to "howl" and your packmate simply joins in. It's the reason all those dogs howl on the video shows when their owners play the clarinet, howl, sing,or play songs on the radio. It's an instinctive wolf behavior. Wolves will howl together as a social and territorial ritual. They also howl to locate each other when the pack is split up, to help coordinate hunting activities or to reassemble the pack. Check out the following sites: htm June Wingert Mad Scientist
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