MadSci Network: Chemistry

Subject: What is the ignition temperature of the head of a safety match?

Date: Mon Sep 21 07:12:42 1998
Posted by Stephen Cadusch
Grade level: nonaligned
School: none
City: Mia Mia State/Province: Victoria
Country: Australia
Area of science: Chemistry
ID: 906379962.Ch

I have been trying to find this out for some time just purely to 
satisfy my curiosity.  Many years ago a neighbour of mine was taking a 
test and one question was 'what is the ignition temperature of a 
match?'.  He was unable to answer it and in the years since it has 
occasionally come to mind but nobody I've asked has been able to 
provide a definitive answer.  Perhaps the main reason it has stuck in 
my head is because the test he was taking was to become a tram driver! 
Thanks in advance,
Stephen Cadusch.

Re: What is the ignition temperature of the head of a safety match?

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